Recunosc ca a fost un experiment interesant, colorat si plin de vitamine, dar data viitoare o sa ma multumesc cu mai putine straturi pentru ca spre final ma cam parasise entuziasmul 🙂 . Nu prepararea in sine dureaza ci faptul ca dupa fiecare strat smoothie-ul trebuie tinut in congelator 5-10 […]
Author: Loredana Arion
Tagliatelle cu legume si sos de rosii
Pastele cu sos rosu nu sunt preferatele mele, dar pentru nu stiu care motiv ii plac lui le husband. Si pentru asta il rasfat cu cate o portie o data la 2-3 luni 😀 . Bineinteles ca de fiecare data fac alta combinatie de legume, ca asta e tot farmecul, […]
Yes, size matters!
Maple Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
I’ve recently discovered the website and found some great recipes that really caught my eye 🙂 . And since I’m addicted to cookies, I’ve started with these ones. They turned out to be delicious 😀 and they are perfect for the Sunday afternoon coffee.
Sunday’s Brunch
The perfect combination for a lazy Sunday morning: – mix of chicken bites with scramble eggs and onion – mushrooms sauté – chopped tomatoes – chopped sweet pepper – eisberg salad – cheese – tortillas wraps Go nuts! 😀