Author: Loredana Arion

Crema de spanac cu ricotta

Cu doar 3 ingrediente principale: – 100g baby spinach – 250g ricotta – o ceapa rosie si cativa pasi de urmat: 1. Ceapa se taie in bucati mari si se caleste in tigaie intr-o lingura de ulei sau unt. 2. Deasupra se adauga spanacul si se lasa pe foc aproximativ […]

Meaningless Workouts

(de aici) A few days ago I received an e-mail from the gym notifying me that they’ve stopped the collaboration with “le pam-pam” and that they’ll assign us a new personal trainer. That wasn’t really a breaking news for me because I knew “le pam-pam” ‘s intentions to leave the […]

Chicken Casserole

Cand le husband a cerut a doua portie, mi-am zis mandra de mine ca “this is the best chicken casserole ever”. Si nu, nu a facut asta pentru ca-i era foame, cum ar zice unii carcotasi 😛 . Asadar, pentru 4 portii: – 6 cartofi de marime medie – 500 […]


We recently went to an unexpected and unplanned vacation. Don’t get me wrong, the vacation was planned but not for Istanbul. I was hoping I would be lying down on a beach drinking cerveza somewhere in Mexico right now and dancing salsa with Jose-s in the night, but instead we’ve […]