Author: Loredana Arion

Sour-cherry medeleines

Madlene cu visine / Sour Cherry Madeleines

Weekend-ul trecut mi-am cumparat o tava pentru madlene. Imi doream de mult sa fac, sa le savurez cu o cafea on the side. (De savurat le-am savurat, dar cu un prosecco ca era fix wine o’clock cand le-am scos din cuptor 😀 ) EN: Last weekend I bought a madeleines […]

Pumpkin and Sunflower Seed Chocolate Candy

Pumpkin & Sunflower Seed Chocolate Candy

It’s been so long since I last posted a healthy recipe. That’s because I took a break from the gym and healthy choices. You know how people make new year’s resolutions to start going to the gym and change their diet? I’m the opposite, I never go to the gym […]

Chocolate and Coffee Mousse with Mango Puree

Chocolate is life. Cam asa suna motto-ul meu 😀 . Nu stiu de ce am asteptat pana acum sa fac un mousse de ciocolata, cred ca in mintea mea e foarte complicat de facut. Si in continuare cred ca e, dar mi-am propus sa-l adaptez si sa-l simplific. Clar cu […]

Reteta Brownie cu Nuci

Iubesc ciocolata sub toate formele ei. Mai putin cea alba. Aia nu e ciocolata, sa ne intelegem 😀 . Aveam in plan un brownie de ceva timp, dar nu stiu cum se intampla ca ingredientul principal, CIOCOLATA, disparea inainte sa ajunga in aluat 😉 . Am facut un efort acum, […]