Tarta rustica cu afine / Blueberry galette

Blueberry galette recipe

Am cumparat 3kg de afine pt ca … de ce nu? 😀 Am avut oportunitatea de a sustine producatorii locali, asa ca nu am stat prea mult pe ganduri si am zis da unei ladite cu afine proaspat culese.

EN: I bought 3kg of blueberries because … why not? 😀 I had the opportunity to sustain local farmers and without giving it much thought, I said yes to a whole box of freshly picked blueberries.

Si imediat dupa, au inceput sa-mi treaca prin cap tot felul de retete pe care le-as putea face cu aceste minunate fructe. M-am decis repede la o tarta cu afine, dar nu tarta din aia clasica, ci galeta, cea cu blat cu gust de unt si multe multe afine. Perfecta pentru zilele calduroase de vara.

EN: Right after that, I started to think of a bunch of possible recipes suitable for these amazing fruits. I quickly decided on a galette, with the buttery crust and lots of blueberries, perfect for the hot summer days.

Reteta este usoara si rapida, iar tarta se poate servi cu inghetata sau simpla. Oricum ar fi, e delicioasa! 😉 .

EN: The recipe is easy and quick, you can add a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top or leave it as it is. Either way, it is delicios! 😉


  • Pentru aluat
  • 9 linguri faina

  • 4 linguri zahar

  • 100g unt de la frigider

  • 1 ou

  • un praf de sare

  • Pentru umplutura
  • 500g afine proaspete

  • sucul de la 1/2 portocala

  • 2 linguri zahar

  • cateva picaturi esenta vanilie

  • 2 + 1/2 linguri amidon alimentar

  • Pentru decor
  • 1 ou

  • 1 lingura zahar


  • Prima data am preparat aluatul: intr-un bol am adaugat faina, zaharul, sarea si untul taiat cubulete.
  • Am framantat aluatul cu mana (daca aveti robot, il puteti folosi) pana cand am obtinut o compozitie sfaramicioasa. Apoi am adaugat oul batut si am amestecat cu o lingura pana a inceput sa capete o textura mai omogena.
  • Am transferat aluatul din bol pe blatul de lucru si l-am framantat inca putin cu mana pana a devenit lucios si nelipicios.
  • Am pus aluatul pe o foaie de pergament si l-am intins dandu-i o forma rotunda.
  • Am pus hartia cu blatul pe tava si l-am lasat deoparte pana am pregatit umplutura.
  • Am pregatit umplutura: intr-un bol am adaugat afinele spalate, sucul de portocala, esenta de valinie, zaharul, amidonul si am amestecat usor, incat sa nu se zdrobeasca fructele.
  • Am pus umplutura peste aluat lasand o margine de de 5-6 cm neacoperita, si am impachetat marginile aluatului peste umplutura cu ajutorul hartiei de pergament.
  • Am uns tarta cu oul batut si am presarat zahar.
  • Am bagat tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 220°C timp de 20 minute, apoi am scazut temperatura la 180°C pentru inca 10 minute, apoi am oprit cuptorul si am mai lasat tava inauntru pentru 15 minute.
  • Blueberry galette / tart dough
  • Blueberry galette / tart filling
  • Blueberry galette ready to bake
  • Blueberry galette fresh from the oven


  • For the crust
  • 9 Tbsp all-purpose flour

  • 4 Tbsp sugar

  • 100g cold butter

  • 1 egg

  • a pinch of salt

  • For the filling
  • 500g fresh blueberries

  • fresh juice of half an orange

  • 2 Tbsp sugar

  • a few drops of vanilla extract

  • 2 + 1/2 Tbsp cornstarch

  • For the final touch
  • 1 egg

  • 1 Tbsp sugar


  • Pour the flour, sugar, salt in a bowl and the diced butter.
  • I used my hands to make the dough, you can use a food processor as well. So with my hands, I mixed the ingredients, breaking the butter up until the texture felt like sand. Then I added the beaten egg and used a spoon to mix the dough.
  • Transfer the dough to a flat surface and started to knead it until the dough becomes shinny and smooth.
  • Place the dough on a parchment baking sheet and roll it into a circle shape.
  • Transfer the baking sheet onto a pan and set it aside until the filling is done.
  • Put the blueberries (previously washed) in a bowl, add the orange juice, sugar and cornstarch and stir gently.
  • Mound the berry mixture onto the pastry dough and spread it out, leaving 5-6 centimetres border. Fold the border up over the berries.
  • Brush the crust with the beaten egg and sprinkle sugar.
  • Bake for 20 minutes at 220°C, then another 10 minutes at 180°C. Turn off the oven but leave the pan inside for another 15 minutes.



  1. Looks delicious

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