Anul trecut (2024) a inceput cu o vacanta in Singapore. Desi a fost o decizie spontana de a vizita Singapore (aveam pe lista Japonia initial), a fost totusi mult-asteptata. Aveam in minte de cativa ani sa ajungem pe acolo, mai ales ca una dintre cele mai bune prietene de-ale mele […]
Santorini, Greece
Been there, done that 😀
Delta Dunarii / The Danube Delta
Greu a fost sa-l conving pe *le husband sa mergem in Delta, dar am reusit 😀 . Si zic eu ca si lui i-a placut, desi nu recunoaste pe deplin 🙂 . Singura mea dezamagire a fost ca nu am vazut stoluri de pasari cum vedeam in poze sau in […]
Happy wife, Happy life
Mexic, in sfarsit! 😀 pam pam pam …
Cape Town, South Africa
From the poorest people living in townships with no electricity and running water to wealthy neighbourhoods and amazing views Cape Town is a mixture of cultures and colours, an amazing place to visit.
We recently went to an unexpected and unplanned vacation. Don’t get me wrong, the vacation was planned but not for Istanbul. I was hoping I would be lying down on a beach drinking cerveza somewhere in Mexico right now and dancing salsa with Jose-s in the night, but instead we’ve […]