Azi m-am trezit cu dor de miros de vanilie in toata casa. De obicei fac biscuiti cu ricotta in astfel de cazuri, dar azi nu aveam ricotta. M-am uitat prin dulap si am vazut o punga de fulgi de cocos si mi-a venit instant ideea de macaroons, chiar aveam pe wishlist sa-i fac.
Si, pe langa asta, *le husband a cumparat o gramada de fructe colorate, numai bune de pozat :D.
EN: I woke up today craving vanilla. I usually bake ricotta cookies when I want to fill the entire house with vanilla scent, but no ricotta in the fridge. I looked in my kitchen cabinet and found a bag of coconut flakes and came up with a quick and easy alternative – coconut macaroons. They were on my wishlist to try for a while now.
Besides, *le husband bought lots of forest fruits, I couldn’t resist the urge to sprinkle them in a photo 😀 .
2 albusuri
4 linguri zahar
70g fulgi de nuca de cocos
2 linguri faina
un praf de sare
esenta vanilie
optional, ciocolata pentru decor
- Am separat ouale si am folosit doar albusurile. Le-am mixat pana am obtinut o spuma tare.
- Am adaugat zaharul si sarea si am mixat in continuare pana zaharul s-a topit.
- Am adaugat faina, fulgii de cocos si cateva picaturi de esenta de vanilie si am amestecat cu o lingura pana s-au incorporat toate ingredientele.
- Am asezat din loc in loc bulgarasi de cocos pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Am dat tava la cuporul preincalzit la 170°C pentru 15 minute, pana au capatat o culoare aurie.
- I-am scos pe un gratar sa se raceasca si i-am scufundat in ciocolata 🙂 . Deliciosi!
2 egg whites
4 Tbs sugar
70g coconut flakes
2 Tbs all-purpose flour
a pinch of salt
vanilla extract
optional, chocolate for dipping
- Beat the egg whites until they are stiff.
- Add the sugar and a pinch of salt and continue to beat until the sugar is dissolved.
- Add flour, coconut flakes and a few drops of vanilla extract and stir gently until combined.
- Place the coconut balls on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper.
- Bake for 15 minutes in the preheated oven to 170°C.
- Transfer the macaroons to a wire rack to cool. Dip them in chocolate 🙂 . Yum!