Poate suna ciudat, dar eu ma bucur de perioada asta de carantina, pentru ca am timp sa gatesc (si sunt introvertita 😳 ). Si nu doar sa gatesc, ci sa si creez retete noi si combinatii de gusturi.
EN: Maybe it sounds weird, but I’m enjoying the quarantine because I have time to cook and bake (happy introvert 😳 ). And not only the basics, but also to create new recipes and new combinations of taste.
Si provocarea e cu atat mai mare pentru ca nu pot da fuga pana la magazin sa-mi cumpar ingrediente mai diverse. Trebuie sa ma descurc cu ce am prin bucatarie in momentul respectiv si sa fiu creativa.
EN: And baking is challenging these days because I can’t just go to the store and buy ingredients due to restrictions. I have to use whatever I have in the kitchen and get creative.
Am tot gatit zilele astea madlene, chec cu banane, tort cu mere (si da! am marit si timpul pentru workout ca sa compensez 😛 ), dar am simtit ca *le husband si-ar dori ceva cu crema, asa ca am facut o combinatie care sa ne multumeasca pe amandoi: cafea (eu) si ciocolata alba (el). Si rezultatul a fost unul delicios.
EN: During these past few days I’ve been baking madeleines, banana cake, upside-down apple cake (and yes! I did increase the workout time to compensate the amount of calories 😛 ), but I felt that *le husband would have wanted something with cream / icing / pudding, therefore I combined two of our favourite ingredients: coffee (for me) and white chocolate (for him). And the result was delicious.
IngredientE pentru Blat
2 oua
50g unt topit
3 linguri faina
2 linguri cacao
2 linguri zahar
un espresso (50ml cafea tare)
25g ciocolata neagra
1/2 lingurita praf de copt
cateva picaturi esenta vanilie
un praf de sare
Instructiuni Pentru Blat
- Am topit untul pe baie de aburi si l-am lasat deoparte.
- Am preparat cafeaua, adica am apasat pe un buton 😀 .
- Intr-un bol, am mixat ouale impreuna cu zaharul pana si-au dublat volumul.
- Am adaugat cateva picaturi de esenta de vanilie, cafeaua, praful de sare, faina, cacaoa si praful de copt cernute. Am mixat toate ingredientele pana cand compozitia a devenit omogena.
- Am adaugat untul si ciocolata maruntita cu un cutit si am amestecat cu o lingura.
- Am turnat compozitia intr-o forma circulara, tapetata cu hartie de copt, cu diametrul de 20cm si am bagat-o in cuptorul preincalzit la 170°C pentru 20 minute.
- Cand a fost gata, am scos blatul din forma si l-am lasat la racit.
IngredientE pentru crema
3 linguri zahar
2 linguri faina
500ml lapte
50g unt
50g ciocolata alba
cateva picaturi esenta vanilie
Instructiuni pentru crema
- Intr-o cratita mica, am pus zaharul si faina si le-am amestecat.
- Am turnat laptele putin cate putin.
- Am pus cratita pe foc mic si am amestecat cu telul continuu, pana cand compozitia s-a ingrosat si a devenit de consistenta unei budinci.
- Am luat de pe foc si am adaugat esenta de vanilie, ciocolata alba rupta bucati si untul.
- Am amestecat pana s-au incorporat toate ingredientele si am lasat la racit.
- Cand crema s-a racit, am pus deasupra blatului si am adaugat cateva fructe pentru un plus de savoare.
2 eggs
50g melted butter
3 Tbsp all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp cocoa powder
2 Tbsp sugar
1 espresso (or 50ml of strong coffee)
25g dark chocolate
1/2 tsp baking powder
a few drops of vanilla extract
a pinch of salt
- Melt the butter and set aside to cool until you prepare the rest of the batter. You can melt it in the microwave or on the stovetop.
- Prepare the espresso shot.
- Using a mixer, beat the eggs and sugar together until double in size.
- Add a few drops of vanilla extract, the espresso shot, salt, flour, cocoa, baking powder, and mix together until combined.
- Add the melted butter and the chocolate chopped with a knife and whisk together with a spoon.
- Coat a round pan of 20cm diameter with nonstick paper and pour the batter in. Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven to 170°C.
- Remove cake from oven, remove it from the pan and let it cool completely.
Ingredients for the cream frosting
3 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
500ml milk
50g butter
50g white chocolate
a few drops of vanilla extract
- Put sugar and flour in a saucepan and whisk together.
- Add milk, whisking constantly.
- Put the saucepan over low heat. Bring to a boil, and continue whisking until the mixture thickens and looks like a pudding.
- Set aside, add the vanilla drops, chocolate and butter.
- Whisk together so all the ingredients are melted and combined.
- Let it cool completely. When it’s cold, add it on top of the sponge cake and add some fruits for more flavour.