Inghetata de ciocolata / Homemade chocolate ice cream

Homemade chocolate ice cream

Am o singura reteta scrisa pe foaie si aceasta este reteta de inghetata. Ne-o facea mama cand eram mici si am facut-o si eu de cateva ori ulterior. Are un gust puternic de ciocolata, cu cat cacaoa e mai de calitate, cu atat gustul de ciocolata e mai intens.

EN: I have only one handwritten recipe and this is the chocolate ice cream recipe. My mother used to make it for us when we were little and I also made it myself in the past, for a few times. It has a rich chocolate taste, higher the cocoa quality richer the taste.

Este foarte usor de facut si contine putine ingrediente. Partea mai putin atractiva este asteptarea, pentru ca trebuie sa stea in congelator destul de mult. Dar eu am facut-o inainte sa ma bag la culcare, iar dimineata cand m-am trezit a fost numai buna de mic dejun 😀 .

EN: It’s very easy to make and you only need few ingredients. The not-so-funny part is that you have to wait a few hours until you eat it, but it will worth the wait. That’s why I made it in the evening before going to bed, next morning when I woke up it was ready for breakfast 😀 .


  • 5 oua

  • 8 linguri zahar

  • 10 linguri de lapte

  • 5 linguri cacao

  • 20g unt

  • cateva picaturi esenta vanilie


  • “Gatirea” ingredientelor se va face pe baie de aburi, deci alegeti-va instrumentele dupa posibilitati – puteti opta pentru cratita in cratita, bol in cratita sau, daca sunteti norocosi si aveti o cratita speciala pentru bain-marie, acum o puteti folosi 😀 .
  • Am pus 4 linguri zahar, cacaoa cernuta, laptele si untul intr-o cratita pe care am pus-o pe aburi si am amestecat cu telul pana s-au incorporat ingredientele.
  • Am separat albusurile de galbenusuri.
  • Am adaugat galbenusurile peste amestecul de ciocolata si am lasat pe foc, tot pe baie de aburi, cam 10 minute, timp in care am amestecat continuu.Homemade ice cream - chocolate mixture
  • Am adaugat esenta de vanilie si am dat la o parte compozitia sa se raceasca.
  • Peste albusuri am adaugat 4 linguri de zahar si le-am mixat pana au devenit spuma.
  • Am pus bolul cu albusuri pe baie de aburi si am mixat din cand in cand, timp de 10 minute.
  • Am luat de pe foc, am adaugat compozitia de ciocolata peste albusuri si am amestecat cu telul pana cand compozitia s-a uniformizat.Homemade chocolate ice cream before combined
  • Am turnat in recipiente si am bagat in congelator peste noapte.Homemade chocolate ice cream ready to freeze


  • 5 eggs

  • 8 Tbsp sugar

  • 10 Tbsp milk

  • 5 Tbs cocoa powder

  • 20g butter

  • a few drops of vanilla extract


  • Keep in mind that the ingredients are “baked” in bain marie. So choose your baking containers before you start – you can use a cooking pan in another cooking pan filled with water, or a bowl in a cooking pan filled with water, or a bain marie pan if you have one 😀 .
  • In a cooking pan, add 4 Tbsp, sift the cocoa powder, add the milk and butter. Place the pan over the bain-marie and stir in the ingredients until combined and melted.
  • Crack the eggs and separate yolks from the whites.
  • Add the yolks into the chocolate mixture and continue to stir for 10 minutes.
  • Add a few drops of vanilla extract and set aside to cool down.
  • Beat the whites with 4 Tbsp of sugar until fluffy.
  • Place the bowl over the bain-marie and continue beating until stiff peaks form, for about 10 minutes.
  • Set aside and add the chocolate mixture. Whisk until combined.
  • Pour the ice cream mixture into containers and place them in the freezer until next day, or at least for a few hours.


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