Deserturile sanatoase au fost mereu o provocare pentru mine. Chiar daca obisnuiesc sa fac din cand in cand (recunosc ca le prefer pe cele cu zahar 😳 ), nu reusesc sa le fac sa arate apetisant. In ciuda aspectului, gustul chiar e foarte bun.
EN: Healthy desserts were always a challenge. Even though I bake healthy recipes from time to time (I admit I prefer the ones with sugar 😳 ), I can’t make them look yummy. Despite their appearance, they really taste good.

Imi plac foarte mult merele, si cum a venit sezonul lor, incerc sa le folosesc in cat mai multe retete. In ultima vreme le mananc cu unt de arahide (noua obsesie 😀 ), dar parca imi era dor de miros de mere coapte, asa ca m-am pus pe treaba si a iesit un chec super gustos si cu (mai) putine calorii. Cum nu putea sa lipseasca ciocolata din ecuatie, am adaugat cateva patratele de ciocolata cu 99% cacao, ca sa nu ma mustre constiinta 😎 .
EN: Since it’s apple season and I really like apples, I try to add them in as many recipes as I can. Lately, I eat slices of apple and peanut butter (my latest obsession 😀 ), but I remembered how much I like the smell of baked apples. Therefore I decided to bake a super healthy no-sugar apple bread. Since I couldn’t NOT add chocolate into the recipe, I added a few guilt free chocolate squares with 99% cocoa 😎 .

12 linguri fulgi de ovaz
3 oua mici sau 2 mari
100 ml chefir sau iaurt
1/2 lingurita scortisoara macinata
3 mere
2 linguri miere
o mana de amestec de migdale si nuci, sau alune, caju etc
un praf de sare
cateva picaturi esenta de migdale
7g ciocolata cu concentratia 99% cacao
- Am macinat fulgii de ovaz cu ajutorul unui robot. Am adaugat si amestecul de nuci si migdale peste ovazul macinat si am mai macinat cateva secunde, cat sa nu se maruntesca foarte tare.
- Am curatat merele si le-am taiat cuburi. Am pastrat un mar pt decor.
- Am maruntit ciocolata cu ajutorul unui cutit.
- Intr-un bol am spart ouale, adaugat restul ingredientelor si le-am amestecat cu o lingura. Atat de simplu a fost 🙂 .
- Am turnat compozitia intr-o tava de chec si am adaugat bucatile de mar pastrate mai devreme.
- Am dat tava la cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru aproximativ 45 minute (faceti testul cu scobitoarea), pana cand merele au capatat o culoare aurie.
12 Tbsp oat flakes
3 small eggs, or 2 large ones
100 ml kefir, or yogurt
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
3 apples
2 Tbsp honey
a handful of walnut and almond mix, or any other nuts
a pinch of salt
a few drops of almond extract
7g of 99% cocoa chocolate
- Fine grind the oat flakes. Add the nuts mix into the grinder for 2-3 seconds only, or chop them with a knife.
- Peel the apples, keep one to add it on top before baking.
- Chop the chocolate.
- Crack the eggs into a bowl, add all the remaining ingredients and stir until combined. It’s that easy!
- Pour the batter into a loaf pan, coated with parchment paper. Place the remaining apple pieces on top of the batter.
- Bake for 45 minutes (or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of the loaf comes out clean) in the preheated oven to 180°C.