For those of you who think it’s not possible to burn 800 calories in 30 minutes … here’s the proof ๐
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“Peach Perfect” Smoothie
The best way to start a perfect weekend, a peach smoothie with a splash of lime flavour ๐
True Fact
This just made my day! ๐ . It made me miss my QA team…
Brunch imbunatatit
“Transforma fiecare ingredient si uita de reteta obosita a traditionalelor oua Benedict” zic cei de la Men’s Health ๐ . Asa am si facut si a iesit asta:
Snitele la un alt nivel
Dupa ce am gatit trei seri la rand snitele ca aici, la insistentele le husband-ului evident, am decis ca enough is enough si am schimbat reteta. Tot snitele, dar la un alt nivel ๐ (sh** just got real, cum se zice.. haha!) . Pieptul de pui cumparat gata feliat (ca […]