De cand cu lucrul de acasa (imediat se face 1 an! ) gatesc in fiecare zi. Desi imi place sa experimentez retete noi, trebuie sa ma limitez la ceva rapid sa ma incadrez totusi in pauza de 1h.
EN: Since the pandemic lockdown and work from home, I cook every day (almost a year already! ). Even though I enjoy trying new recipes, I have to do the cooking and eating in one hour lunch break, so no time for experiments.
De obicei gatesc piept de pui cu orez la pranz, unii spun ca e boring, eu zic ca e sanatos . Azi m-am simtit mai creativa si am facut o reteta de saganaki cu creveti. Am adaugat-o deja pe lista “repede si bun”
EN: I’m usually cooking chicken breast and rice every day for lunch. Some people would say it’s boring, but I say it’s healthy . Today I found myself in a mood for something more creative and cooked saganaki shrimp recipe. I already put it on my list of “quick and yummy” recipes.
500 g rosii cherry
3-4 catei de usturoi
1 lingura ulei de masline
250 g creveti prefierti congelati – se scot din congelator cu cateva ore inainte
100 g branza feta
1 ceapa mica
1 lingura ulei de cocos
1/2 lingurita boia de ardei dulce
cateva bucati de ardei iute
1g de zahar
sare si pier dupa gust
oregano sau patrunjel pentru decor
- Prima data am preparat sosul de tomate. Am vrut sa-l fac eu de la zero, nu sa pun din sticla. Asadar, am spalat rosiile si le-am pus intr-o tava de cuptor tapetata cu hartie de copt. Am adaugat cateii de usturoi curatati, uleiul de masline, putina sare si piper. Am dat tava la cuptoul incins la 200°C pentru aproximativ 10 min.
Cand rosiile sunt gata coapte, le-am scos din cuptor, le-am lasat 2 minute la racit si apoi am transferat totul in vasul de la blender, sau mixer vertical. Am mixat 1 minut si apoi am dat compozitia prin sita, sa nu ramana seminte sau coaja. A iesit un sos aromat si super gustos. - Apoi am pregatit crevetii: i-am spalat, curatat si asezat pe un prosop de hartie pentru a absorbi toata apa.
- Am taiat ceapa marunt si am calit-o in uleiul de cocos intr-o tigaie (se poate folosi si de masline sau de floarea soarelui; eu prefer cocos pentru ca e mai sanatos).
- Am adaugat praful de boia, zaharul si sosul de rosii si am lasat la fiert 1-2 minute.
- Am adaugat crevetii si am lasat la foc mic inca 2-3 minute, timp in care am intors crevetii de pe o parte pe alta.
- Am adaugat bucatile de ardei iute, sare si piper dupa gust (Atentie la sare, ca mai urmeaza branza care e sarata).
- Am luat tigaia de pe foc, am adaugat deasupra branza maruntita si niste patrunjel uscat (se poate inlocui cu oregano).
- Am acoperit tigaia cu o folie de aluminiu si am bagat-o in cuptor, pentru 20 minute, la 200°C
- Am servit cu paine prajita.
500 g cherry tomatoes
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 Tbsp olive oil
250 g frozen pre-cooked shrimp – make sure you remove them from the freezer a few hours before cooking
100 g feta cheese
1 small onion
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp paprika
some hot chilli pepper
1g of sugar
salt and pepper to taste
oregano or parsley
- Fist step: the Tomato sauce. I wanted to make it from scratch, it tastes way better than the store bought. Wash the tomatoes and place them on a baking pan coated with parchment paper. Add the garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Shake the pan to mix all ingredients and place it into the preheated oven to 200°C, for 10 minutes.
When the tomatoes are ready, take them out of the oven, let them cool for 2 minutes, then place them in a blender and mix for 1 minute. Pass the mixture through a sieve to leave the seeds and skin out. - Shrimp prepping: wash and peel the shrimps, place them on a paper towel to absorb all the water.
- In a frying pan, heat the coconut oil over medium-high heat, add the chopped onion and sauté for 1 minute.
- Stir in the paprika, sugar and the tomato sauce. Let them simmer for 1-2 minutes.
- Add the shrimps into the sauce and simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Turn the shrimps from side to side.
- Season with hot chilli pepper, salt and pepper to taste (Not too much salt – feta cheese is also salty).
- Set aside and top the shrimp saganaki with the crumbled feta cheese and dried parsley or oregano.
- Cover the frying pan with an aluminium foil and place it into the preheated oven to 200°C, for 20 minutes.
- Serve with toast.